Tuesday, December 20, 2016

Winter Time!

Winter is here!

Hello! Winter is finally upon us! I love winter time because the air is cold and you can bundle up in a nice warm jacket and gloves. Plus it means it's almost Christmas time! And who doesn't like Christmas? Light on houses, Christmas trees, caroling, fires in a fireplace (or in my case a video on a TV because we don't have a fireplace :P ), snow, and of course the story of Jesus' birth. I also can't wait to get to drive Eragon in the cold weather and possibly in a light snow! I also enjoy winter because there are no bug! I can't wait to drive him even more now that it is getting colder! I'll keep you updated!

Sunday, November 20, 2016

Knight Horse


It's crazy that it is almost Thanksgiving! I can't wait for it to snow! It's been getting pretty cold here, but it doesn't help that it is also windy. So for thanksgiving, my family and I are going to our cabin out in the woods. And I'm really excited because it's a lot of our family that will also be joining us for Thanksgiving! And we are (obviously) bringing Eragon, but since it's hunting season and we'll be in the woods, we had to get something to cover him so hunters wouldn't think he was a bear or deer or any other game animal. So we got a bunch of neon fabric and my sister made him a "suit of armor". He look's like one of these horses . . . except he is a lot shorter.😜
                                   Image result for pictures of knight's horses
He even has the face mask! He looks super funny . . . which then makes him look really cute!😊 So I highly doubt that a hunter will mistake Eragon for any game animal.😉 What are you all doing for Thanksgiving? 

Wednesday, November 9, 2016

Fall is here!

I am so excited for fall! I love seeing the leaves turn and the crisp air in the mornings. I love how it's cool enough outside for a light jacket, but not so cold that you have to bundle up! :) But it is almost that time. . .the time of snow, hot cocoa, a warm fire, and a Christmas tree! I love Christmas time, but the middle of fall is definitely my favorite season when all the leaves start falling and the air gets cold. And I'm really excited to drive Eragon in this cool weather! His little fluffy coat is so soft and. . . .well fluffy! ;) I really hope to put a picture of Eragon on here soon (we'll see how that goes:)). I'll try to keep you updated!

Friday, September 30, 2016

Driving Video 

Me driving Eragon!

This was only my second time driving him from my house! He did SO good!

Tuesday, August 30, 2016

Eragon's Home

Yay! Eragon is home now! I'm so happy to have him back! And even after two months away he still whinnies at me! :) I can't wait to go driving at the park and down town. I'll have to put a picture of him all hooked up to the cart on here soon! I'll keep you posted on when I go for drives and how Eragon is doing with driving! Bye!

Thursday, August 11, 2016

Summer School Ending

Summer School almost over!

Wow. It's been weird not having to take care of Eragon! I miss hearing his little winnie every morning. But his training is almost over, just nine more days! I can't wait to see him again and put more pictures of him on here! Soon I'll be driving him all over town and have lots of pictures of him hooked up to the cart on here for you all to see!

Monday, June 20, 2016

Me & Eragon

Summer School

I'm so happy to be out of school! I'm super excited to spend more time with Eragon and teach him more tricks! Soon Eragon is going to go to "summer school" where he'll be taught how to pull a cart! I'm so excited to start driving him down the road and see what happens when people see that! If they think it's weird seeing a mini horse just walking down the street, I wounder what they'll do when they see him pulling a cart! I can't wait to put a picture of him hooked up to the cart on here!  

Wednesday, May 11, 2016

Wednesday, April 13, 2016

Eragon's Birthday

Hey everyone, today is Eragon's 3rd birthday! I made him a horse carrot/oat cake and he loved it! Here is a picture of him after a long days work of eating grass. :)

Saturday, March 12, 2016

Me & Eragon

Hey everyone! I hope you are all doing great. Eragon is his happy self and still full of energy! Lately I have been taking Eragon for walks all throughout the week to the park and just around the neighborhood and playing tag with him in the yard. Also I have been teaching him to rear (go on his back legs) and jump. Don't forget if you have any questions you can ask me through comments.  

Saturday, March 5, 2016

                This is Eragon and my dog Thor. They are almost the same size!

Friday, March 4, 2016

Me & Eragon

Hey everybody! Today I went for a walk with Eragon down the road and throughout my neighborhood. I was also getting him used to new noises like swimming pool noodles hitting each other bags flying around and different sounds. Then I played a little Hide-and-Seek and tag with him. I hope to keep you up to date with how Eragon is doing and things I do with him.

Wednesday, March 2, 2016

The 5 Equine Personalities

                                           Horse Illustrated Magazine                              

                       These classic types are instantly recognizable                    

                                        Horsing Around >> By Allison Griest

When you walk into a new barn, you'll immediately get a sense for the various equine personalities in residence. Sometimes there are obvious clues like a cribbing collar or a destroyed Jolly Ball -- that horse must be a busy-body. Other times the horse's actions quickly reveal his character. One horse nickers and rushes to the stall door when you walk by, while his neighbor immediately pins his ears and kicks at the stall wall. You've just identified the social director and the resident grump. Here are five distinct personalities you'll find at just about every barn -- and what the horses would say to you if they could talk.

                                                    The Prissy Princess 

The Prissy Princess hates wind because it blows dust around the barn, around the stall and everywhere in the entire universe. Basically, she has a strong opinion, often accompanied by a complaint, about everything.  
  "Come on! I can't step on that black mat in the wash rack. It looks dark and ominous. And no way am I walking through that mud pit you're standing in. I have no intention of dirtying myself just because you don't want to let me stand here and look beautiful."


                                                           The Spook

You know the Spook all too well. He has the sweetest eyes, and he is terrified of leaves blowing in the wind, sounds coming from the road, and even his neighbor down the aisle.
  "Listen, I know you're tacking me up to work, but I have a really bad feeling about this. Did you just see that? Something moved in the distance. Stop telling me it's going to be OK--it very well might not be OK. I just heard a scary sound! And a leaf just flew by! We should go back in the stall and hide. It's safest in there."

                                                       The Sweetheart

The Sweetheart is  slow and steady. You can put the tiniest beginner on him and he won't turn a hair. His heart of gold makes him worth his weight in gold.  
  "We just got lapped by The Jock of the barn, but I don't care. This sweet kiddo on my back is having the time of her life. She doesn't seem to understand the concept of corners or cross-rails, but I'll help her out. And why is everyone acting scarred of the cars driving past the arena? They're there every single day. It's all good." 


                                                     The Accident-Prone

The Accident-Prone Horse seems to always be off work because of some pasture bang-up, stall accident, a slight sniffle, or a combination of ailments.
  "Thank you for the treats. I just can't work today! My left hind hock really hurts, and don't even get me started on the cut on my face. We were playing in the pasture and then there was this tree! I couldn't   get out of the way in time. I really don't do this on purpose, but i would very much appreciate a massage and some molasses cookies today." 

                                                              The Jock

The Jock the barn's big, strong warmblood or Quarter Horse that has rippling muscles and excels in his sport.
  "What's that?  We have a job to do? Let's get going because I'm ready to show up all the other horses in the lesson. See that lanky horse in the corner? Let's go lap him before we do our next exercise. We need to show him how it's done!"  

Wednesday, February 24, 2016

Bonding Do's & Don'ts

                                              Horse Illustrated Magazine 

                                   Is it okay to hug your horse?

                                        By Julie Goodnight with Heidi Melocco

How do you show your horse affection while also maintaining respect? There's nothing wrong with having a bond with your horse. In fact, it's desirable. But you have to show your affection and bond with your horse in a safe way and in a way your horse appreciates.

Horses don't think like we do--especially when it comes to bonding and showing affection. Human affection behaviors--such as kissing on the lips--don't hold the same meaning for horses. 
    We humans are drawn to the head of the horse, especially that sweet, velvety-soft muzzle. It's tempting to put your face up the your horse's and love on them. But horses have blind spots around their head, and many don't like to have you so close to that area. For the most part, the head is a good place to stay away from. The horse's head is big, weighs a lot and moves quickly. I can personally vouch for several concussions and some busted teeth from having my head to close to a horse's. Even if it's a horse you know well, he/she may accidentally turn quickly or spook, moving with force.

                                Affection in Horse Terms

Kissing and hugging are human ideas of affection. Horses do "spar" (play fight) and bite at the lips, But that's even more of a reason not to kiss them there. Keep your horse's lips away from your lips. You don't want him to think you're playing and then be bitten.
    Horses only have one known affection behavior that isn't associated with reproduction. Mutual grooming occurs when two bonded horses face each other and give one another a deep massage with their teeth. Horses mostly groom around the withers and down the neck and back. The more dominant horse in the pair will tell the other when to start and stop the grooming session, and both horses will let each other know where they like to be groomed.
      When I show affection to my horse, I like to mimic this grooming behavior by approaching the horse as another horse would. If I'm bonding with a new horse, I approach slowly, then put my hand out (palm down) to allow him to sniff me. That's just polite to the horse. Next, I go to the withers and rub him to show him I'm friendly. 
     Scratching and rubbing on the horse's favorite spot is a great way to show your affection. How do you find this "feet" spot? Horses stretch out their neck and stick their top lip out when they feel pleasure. With your fingertips, dig in and apply pressure in a circular motion, rubbing around your horse's withers, neck and chest. When you find a spot he likes, you may see your horse slightly move his lips, reach high in the air, wiggle his lips and show teeth. Many horses like a deep pressure--if your's doesn't, he'll let you know by moving away.
   Sometimes I give my horse a hug at the withers. Occasionally, you'll have a horse that wraps back and hugs you as you stand at his shoulder. That could be another affection equine behavior, but it is less studied.

                                   Know the Consequences

What happens if you pamper and kiss on your horse without first setting boundaries? Your horse may become oblivious to your actions and disrespectful of your space. At first he may turn his head away from you. Then he'll bump into you. That's not accidental; he's sending you a message. 
  Horses want a leader they respect and want to bond with. If the behavior is allowed to go on, the horse may escalate from turning away to more aggressively dragging away, or turning and biting. Pay attention to your moves and think about who "owns" the space at any given moment. I can invite a horse into my space but he can never come into that space without permission. Be very aware of space when you're around your horse.
      Boundaries have to be established before you choose to be touchy-feely with your horse. If you don't set boundaries, horses can push you around and run you over. When a horse is allowed to be in charge, there are definite safety risks.
    Your horse being the dominant one in your relationship becomes a problem when you ask him to do something he doesn't want to do. If he's the boss from the moment you enter his stall, he's not likely to follow your leadership as you tack up or when you get in the saddle.

                                   Attentive & Affectionate

Notice when a horse moves into your space to make sure to move him out of it immediately. You want your horse to be careful about your space and conscientious of your moves. This doesn't mean making your horse fearful, but rather using visual and corrective pressure to move the horse out of your space that you maintain your safety. 
    Of course I'm all for affection. There's nothing wrong with being affectionate and offering praise--when it's deserved. Once you know the rules and establish boundaries, you can stretch the rules if you want to. Make sure the affection you give you horse is appropriate for the horse and is something he will appreciate. If your horse is mindful of your presence, and you communicate your affection appropriately (and you don't reward bad behavior), you're on your way to a respectful and bonded relationship. 

I got this from a Horse Illustrated magazine which are filled with really helpful tips, stories and great ideas. If you want to go to their website and subscribe for their magazines it is: horseillustrated.com 

Tuesday, February 16, 2016


   Hello all! My name is Savvy. I am a horse lover and have dreamed of owning a horse ever since I can remember. I hope to work with horses in the future and maybe one day own a few (full-sized horses) of my own. It hasn't been until recently that my dreams started to come true.
In September of 2015, I got a miniature horse. I almost didn't believe he was mine, as I live in the city and it didn't seem possible. I named him Eragon, and he is super cute and little. When I first got him all he wanted to do was eat grass, but now he likes to play Hide-and-Seek and run around the yard. I spend time with him every day, teaching him tricks and often taking him for a walk in the city. He quickly adjusted to city living, things that would often spook him have now become part of his everyday life. At two years old he has the best "horsonality". We both love working with each other, and soon I hope to train Eragon to pull a small cart.
   I never thought that I would own a mini horse and still live in the city. I've often dreamed of it but didn't think it would become real. Eragon has become accustomed to living with our other animals. At first, I was a little nervous that he and our two huge guard dogs would not get along, but now they are great around each other. The dogs are about the same size as Eragon, so sometimes we say he's our "big dog".  When we walk Eragon down the road people often pull over to take pictures, or stop to meet Eragon. I love watching people drive by and double take, realizing that there is a miniature horse walking down the road, and not a huge dog. My family and I are starting a tag for those who spot Eragon: #HorseintheHood. So if you see us and take a picture, we'd love for you to tag us!