Sunday, January 29, 2017

Driving to the Park

Hey, Everybody! I hope your January has been good. We just had a week of warm days and so I went for a drive. Eragon likes to go to the park, but he just loves driving there! So just the other day I drove him to the park after not being able to drive him for almost all of January! It was SO much fun! We drove there and at least 20 kids and 10 parents came up after I had "parked" Eragon. They were petting him, asking questions, and just looking at Eragon and the cart. 😉 On the way home, he always gets a sudden burst of energy because he knows that when we get home he gets to eat! What's funny is that every time we pass someone Eragon comes to a slow walk and almost a stop because he thinks he's gonna get pet. 😊
Well, I'll try to keep you updated on how Eragon is doing and what we're doing. I try to at least post once a month, sometimes I do more (most likely not 😊) or less. I hope you all have a great rest of January and beginning of February!

See ya!


  1. It's so cute that Eragon stops when people pass because he thinks some attention is on the way xD. He sounds like such a wonderful mini horse!

    ~ Savannah

    1. Yeah, it's cute for the people watching, but it's really awkward for me because I don't know what to do. It's kinda like when people are singing happy birthday to you and you have no idea what you should be doing. And you have that weird expression on your face. Cause like what are you to do? Sing along, smile for 30 seconds which then becomes weird, stare at the cake? It's the weirdest 30 seconds of my life and it happens at least once a year! That's what it's like when Eragon walks by people really slowly. :) But he's great and will (sometimes) keep walking at his normal pace. :)
